Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
♪ MUSE....they set my SOUL ALIGHT ♬

"Time Is Running Out"
Sunday, April 4, 2010

April is my favorite time of year. There’s so many wonderful things about it. It’s the hope that better and warmer weather is on its way, buds on branches, color bursting forth from the ground, and the air is just sweeter. Easter has always been my favorite holiday for as long as I can remember. Easter egg hunts in full snow gear, and trudging through knee-deep snow banks is just one of the wonderful childhood memories. Another was bringing down the Easter decorations from the attic. I don’t think there was anything more exciting in the world as my 5 year old self, with trembling hands, revealed my… sock bunny family. They were my little friends I had the privilege of entertaining for about a few weeks till the boxes returned back to the attic. April also is my birth month. I’ll be 24. Wow. (That’s an understatement)
“Easter is a time of healing – Oh, how we need His [Christ’s] healing.” - Richard G. Scott
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

A valuable lesson I have learned over this past week: Positive thinking WORKS! I’ve been experiencing lots of worry, panic and self doubt regarding things such as midterms, my upcoming internship, lack of money, etc. All I’ve been doing is hoping for the absolute best and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones – and it’s amazing how well everything is turning out. The thoughts you think really do show up visibly in your life if you truly believe them. Cheesy but true. Its called The Law of Attraction. Google it. Very powerful stuff. Thanks for beating it into my brain, Mom. J
Above is a memory mobile Carissa gave me for Christmas. I love it. Starting on the right going counterclockwise is a picture of my silly Dad, My little twin pals (Bonnie and Amelia) right before I left for UT, and finally – my favorite, Carissa and I riding our awesome trikes back in 1989. (click to enlarge)
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Out of boredom I was scrounging through a bag of Brach’s Sweethearts “The Official Candy of Love” (or so the packaging claims). Does anyone with taste buds actually eat these? I’ve always thought they were only good for decoration of sugar cookies, which are then picked off before eating. I guess they are also a source of entertainment. They always make me laugh. I think about 85% of the bag I wouldn’t say to another human being …haha, ok – maybe. I liked the “ASK ME” heart out of all of them. It was an instant flashback circa 2001, a little high school wallflower me. Years have flown since then but I still have a little place in my heart for that sweetheart…still a testament to a shy girl J Happy Valentines day, everyone!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I'm ALL smiles

I kept humming the Beatles’ “Good Day Sunshine” and “Here comes the Sun” as I was eating my grapefruit this morning. I guess that’s my subconscious’s way of celebrating its citrusy awesomeness.